Our Team’s Educational Background
Computer Programming
Biblical Studies
Graphic Design
Public Relations
Business Management
Immense work experience and educational backgrounds meet the physical needs of our organization. However, the most important piece is our faith, because it leads our ethics and business practices to the highest of standards.

A Letter from our CEO, Matt Meeks
My wife often shows this picture above when she presents at conferences like Care Net, the Respect Life Apostolate Convention, and the ProLife Women’s Conference, and she usually gets a lot of great feedback from all of you! So, I thought it would be the best way to establish my “why” for anyone taking the time to read this.
This is our family of seven. We’re a blended family, with three of our kids who I adopted through a step-parent adoption. It’s beautiful and sometimes messy, but it’s us, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I believe in the sanctity of all human life, and while developing a deep love for my family and many kiddos over the years, that has made this even more concrete for me.

For a few years, my wife served as the executive director at our local pregnancy center north of Kansas City, Missouri. I saw first-hand the struggles and the victories of serving women with services that they didn’t even know they needed before having an abortion. Everything became more real to me on a spiritual level at this point. Every day I heard about the miracles taking place inside those walls, and my heart rode the roller coaster of grief when they lost one and felt the excitement when a woman was reached with the love and ongoing support they provided.
We had no idea that God would work His miracles in our own lives through this time. He allowed me to adopt the kids, moving us across Missouri, where I took a job with the Department of Health and Senior Services as a web application developer. My wife then took a job with Vitae Foundation, as the Director of Marketing and Research Application. It was then that I felt God was calling me to do something more to work in the movement. I just didn’t know how yet.
Fast forward a couple of years, while working on some pregnancy center website programming tasks, I saw God unfold His plan right before our eyes! Slowly, I built a team of professionals that we had met along the way who had experience working in the pregnancy center movement and incredible skill-sets and remarkable work ethic. After much prayer and a sincere leap of faith, Cornerstone Marketing Strategies became a reality for me in a full-time capacity.
I don’t take the responsibility of this mission lightly. I know what’s at stake. It’s truly a matter of life and death, and the spiritual warfare is unlike anything else we’ve ever seen.
Oh, and I know I’m a guy– and the world tells us that men aren’t supposed to have a say regarding a “women’s rights issue,” but my friends, I’m just not buying that.
This world needs more men who are willing to step up and be fathers to children who don’t have one and show the love of Christ to their families and this fallen world.
I intend to be one of those men in my home AND in the pro-life movement; I’d be honored if you’d like to chat about how we can change the world together.
Joshua 1:9,
Matt Meeks